What Chrono to Get



Chronomancers, also known as Calendar classes, can be obtained for 6000 ACs or 5 HeroPoints at /join heromart. Alternatively, you can physically order the more recent calendars and get a code alongside them to unlock the class.

Calendar classes are known for their Rift Collapse mechanic, which lets them take the damage they’ve dealt in the last 10 seconds, multiply it by some factor, and deal it all again in one huge crit: a nuke.

Keep in mind, some monsters, ultra bosses in particular, have a Boss Shield on them that prevents Rift Collapse from oneshotting them. Despite this, some Chronos still perform really well in ultra fights. Not to mention the fact that 99% of monsters in the game have no such shields.

When selecting a Chronomancer, you should consider if it’s your first Chrono or not, what you want to use it for, and how much high-skill content you like dealing with.


2011 Chronomancer / Chronomancer Prime

The original Chronomancer is actually still a great pick, especially for a first Chrono.

You get a short cooldown, reliable nuke, and a fast way to get Temporal Rift stacks. CMP also represents the essence of Calendar classes really well - the damage stacking into Rift Collapse mechanic.

One downside is that the class is incredibly boring and 2 of its 4 skills are essentially useless.

Its main use case is chainkilling bosses in a team. For all other scenarios, other Chronos beat it. That said, you’ll likely get the fastest kills with this one.

Great first Chrono to get for farming bosses.

2012 ChronoCorruptor / Chrono Chaorruptor

What can I say about ChronoCorruptor? It tries to be a crit Chrono, it tries to be a DoT Chrono, and sort of just fails at both.

The nuke frequently noncrits if you can land it at all.

Yes, its performance can be improved with Elysium or Dauntless, but wouldn’t you rather just use those enhancements on an already good class?

Not recommended.

2013 TimeKeeper / TimeKiller

I have to admit, I’m partial against TimeKeeper because it directly competes with my two favorite classes (coming later in this list) as a dodge class. TimeKeeper is rather easy to use, allowing for a mindless playstyle.

With the right enhancements, TimeKeeper can reach maximum dodge, making it ideal for solo play. However, you can still bring the nuking aspect to group fights, albeit your crits aren’t quite as high as alternatives.

Great Chrono for general use and solo play.

2014 ChronoCommander / ChronoCommandant

ChronoCommander is not bad actually.

It’s tanky, has a low cooldown nuke, and used to be used for some ultras. These days, you would prefer QCM or PCM in a team, but that doesn’t make CMD weak by any stretch of the imagination.

I feel neutral on this. Get it if you like what it offers.

2015 Chrono DragonKnight / Chrono DataKnight

A magic-based Chrono with no sustain abilities. Terrible for solo play.

That said, when buffed by a team, CDK offers huge crits, oneshotting nearly all bosses.

CDK has little utility as it overkills most bosses, while CMP’s faster, but slightly weaker nukes would be enough.

That said, I can’t deny the appeal of big orange numbers. Get it if you want high crits and don’t care about anything else.

Neither bad nor good. Get if you want big crits. Avoid if you’re a solo player.

2016 Infinity Knight / Interstellar Knight

This class is just bad.

The DoT has a longer cooldown than SSoT’s nuke. Of course Infinity Knight’s DoT ticks three times as opposed to SSoT’s two nukes… except Infinity Knight doesn’t have a Rift mechanic, meaning it’s just a regular old DoT.

Yes, you technically could use Arachnomancer to buff your damage over time, but same goes for SSoT.

Infinity Knight takes time to ramp up its damage and even then it’s nothing exceptional.

Not recommended.

2017 ShadowWalker of Time / ShadowStalker of Time

I love this class.

High damage, max dodge, and even some alternate uses for farming and PvP.

The combos and enhancements can be a bit complex, but nothing a class guide can’t explain.

Great general-use chrono if you don’t mind learning its spell rotation. You will be happy with it.

2018 Eternal Chronomancer / Immortal Chronomancer

Would you like a physical CDK with some self-sustain and a higher Rift Multiplier?

Immortal Chronomancer has an easy, but lengthy combo, which sets up a massive nuke.

Suffers from the same drawback as CDK where it overkills most enemies.

But it’s also the highest hitting Calendar class in the game.

Neither bad nor good. Get if you want big crits.

2019 Corrupted Chronomancer / Timeless Chronomancer

Once you learn this class, you’ll hardly ever use anything else for bossing.

Once I made my SSoT guide video, I banked that class to force myself to learn Corrupted. Let me tell you, CCM hits like an absolute truck.

On top of that, you’ve got access to max-dodge, great synergy with Dauntless, and the option to make the class even stronger with some trickery.

Avoid if you dislike learning complex classes. If you don’t mind the difficulty, get this NOW.

2020 Underworld Chronomancer / Overworld Chronomancer

Underworld is a good class. Really.

But it fails to answer one question: why not get Timeless instead?

If you already have Underworld, by all means, use Underworld. But there are not many scenarios where you outperform Timeless.

I recommend Timeless Chronomancer instead.

2021 Nechronomancer / Necrotic Chronomancer

This is not a Chronomancer.

Don’t get me wrong, Nechronomancer is an awesome farming class. You will be very happy to have it.

But you can get farming classes through free-to-play means, while Calendar classes normally offer something unique: the nukes.

Avoid if you’ve got ArchMage, Legion Revenant, or plan to get either.

2022 Continuum Chronomancer / Quantum Chronomancer

Designed to be a support chrono and good at its job.

Quantum Chronomancer performs really well in groups, and greatly speeds up ultra fights.

To compensate, its performance in solo play is quite lacking.

Avoid if you don’t do ultras.

2023 Paladin Chronomancer

Once again: not a Chronomancer.

Paladin Chronomancer doesn’t nuke. If you need nukes, get something else.

If you need a healer, a tank, or a PvP’er, then definitely get this class though, because it’s absolutely top-tier in all of these categories. Paladin Chronomancer is also useful in ultra fights, as a replacement to ArchPaladin.

Avoid if you don’t do ultras.


Alright, let’s go over some example recommendations.