Ultra Malgor Guide



Malgor, The First Speaker at /join ultraspeaker is currently the most complicated, but also most rewarding Ultra to beat.

His Insignias offer Radiant Goddess of War, the best-in-slot boost armor for all situations. Most players tend to get Dauntless first though, because of how overpowered that enhancement is on some classes.

Spoiler: Main Story, Malgor Questline

Malgor is called a Speaker, because he speaks. A Speaker is a more evolved form of a Mumbler, one of these:

This also means that the Second Speaker, Vohu:

Is the same being as this monster:

Beating Malgor requires 4 players working as a team. Even one player messing up can cause the whole team to wipe, so make sure that your entire team is familiar with the strategy.

What To Prepare

Before we begin, it’s good knowing that Malgor does not get harder as the fight goes on. The only thing higher DPS gets you is a faster kill and less time to make mistakes. Especially for beginners, it’s more important to prepare defensively than offensively.


The classes to bring (in order of easiest to hardest to play) are StoneCrusher, Lord of Order, ArchPaladin, and Legion Revenant. Have at least one of them before attempting Malgor. These classes are meta for a reason. You can experiment with different team comps, but if this is your first clear, or you’re doing it with randoms, just don’t.

I will explain their roles in detail below.

Other viable classes are Paladin Chronomancer, Quantum Chronomancer, and Chaos Avenger.


Bring an item with a 51% damage boost like NSoD. That’s pretty much it. Malgor has no tagged race, so racial boosts are irrelevant.


Luckily, the 4 classes mentioned above use a similar setup, so I can cover them together.

First of all, Enhance everything with Healer. Like I said above, defense is more important than damage, and Healer gives the most Health to magical classes. If you’re very confident you won’t die (which you shouldn’t be on your first clear), you can use Luck or Wizard, but generally, I recommend playing it safe.

If you have Forge, I recommend a Penitence cape for everyone. Lord of Order and StoneCrusher can bring Absolution if they don’t have Penitence.

Do not use a Forge helm - the reduced Endurance will result in you getting one-shot.

For the weapon, I recommend Valiance for its buff to both damage or survivability.

For a faster kill, it can be good to bring one Awe Blast and one Arcana’s Concerto per team, but only if you’re not dying.


Potions are also fairly standard across the team. You want defense, so Body Tonics and Revitalize Elixirs are your best bet.

There’s a trick with Revitalize: if you apply your damage buffs before drinking the Elixir, you get a larger HoT for the entire fight.

You will also need Scrolls of Enrage, also known as Taunt. Everyone needs to Taunt at some point.

If you’re asking yourself if these are mandatory, you’re in the wrong mindset. Please respect your teammates and prepare properly.

Malgor Explained

Now that we’re ready, we must understand our enemy.

Basic Attack

Malgor’s basic attack applies a debuff to Intelligence, and an infinitely stacking damage and defense debuff.

You generally don’t need to be aware of this, because the strategy handles the debuff.


One of Malgor’s 3 abilities, accompanied by the message:

I will make you see the truth.

It greatly increases the Magic Damage you take and stacks infinitely.

This can and should be Taunted.


Also accompanied by a voice line:

You shall listen.

This is a stun, visually a petrify.

Can and should be Taunted.


The voice line for this is:

All stand equal beneath the eyes of the Eternal.

However, you will more likely to recognize it by the big red square. If you run out of the square, you won’t get hit.

If you were recently afflicted by Truth or Listen, then this will kill you.

Otherwise, it will cleanse the infinitely-stacking debuff from Malgor’s basic attack.

If there’s more than one player in the zone, it deals increased damage, likely killing all of them.

Equal also heals Malgor, but LR can Decay this.

The players should take turns “zoning” to cleanse the debuff. Always one at a time.


The Chart

You might have seen the chart. If not, this is the chart:

Different charts exist for different class combinations (in fact the exact order of the classes doesn’t even matter), but if someone doesn’t specify which chart, it’s this chart.


The left column is the voice lines Malgor says. Notice that they will always happen in this order: First a Truth, then a Listen, then an Equal, Truth, Listen, and so on.

The section labeled “Start” only happens once. Then, Malgor will repeat the “Loop” portion until the end of the fight. So the Listen at the bottom of the chart will be followed by the Equal at the top of the Loop section (the one to the left of SC’s Zone).


Speaking of Zones, I mentioned before how the players need to take turns Zoning. The right side of the chart shows exactly this. Each players zones exactly once every Loop.

As a reminder, Zoning means staying inside the red square. If it’s not your time to Zone, you need to run to the side as soon as you see red.


The middle section shows who the designated taunter is. When you see the voice line associated with your taunt, use your scroll. Sometimes you’re expected to taunt two spells right after one another. In this case, just taunt the first one - the taunt lasts long enough to cover the second one as well.

Click here to see an animation



StoneCrusher is the easiest of the four classes with no advanced mechanics besides the boss’ own. It also has a very easy Taunt cycle. If it’s your first time, I recommend you do try this class first.

Infinity Titan is identical to StoneCrusher in every way and can be used interchangeably.

The one thing that’s good to know on StoneCrusher is to use your 5 before you leave the zone, because it’s short range and you can’t hit Malgor from outside.

Lord of Order

Lord of Order is also relatively easy. Spam your skills as they cool down. If you want to do slightly more, you can watch when ArchPaladin heals, and use your own heal ~2 seconds after it to space them out.

The one tricky thing is how you’re expected to taunt Listens that happen before Equals. If you remember, Listen is a stun, and if you’re stunned, you can’t run outside the zone when Equal comes. To avoid this problem, simply input the movement command before the stun hits you.


ArchPaladin has the easiest Taunt cycle in the standard rotation, but it does need to pay a bit of attention to its 4-5 combo.

People might suggest you use 4, then 5 for the damage boost, or to not use 5 at all to keep the damage debuff on Malgor. Both are incorrect. You should use 4, wait for it to almost expire, and then cast 5. This way the damage reduction lasts almost the entire duration on Malgor, and you can still stack your own damage increase.

In practice, this looks like keeping the “clock arms” of the two cooldown timers opposite each other.

Just like LoO, you can time your heals.

Legion Revenant

Legion Revenant can be relatively difficult - I don’t recommend it for beginners. While your spells are not complicated, you have to time your Decay. You also have an awkward moment where you have to Taunt right after Zoning and Decaying. Other than that, it’s manageable.

As for the Decay - Malgor’s Equal skill actually heals him. To prevent this, you need to press 2 as soon as the Equal zone appears (whether you’re zoning or not). You need to be quick here, so consider not using spells for a moment when you know that Equal is coming.


If you die and Malgor has more than 90% HP, just reset and start over. Otherwise, spend your respawn timer watching your teammates and keeping track of where they are in the chart. Figure out when your next taunts and zones are, and continue as normal.