Tyndarius, the Avatar of Fire at /join ultratyndarius
is a good entry-level Ultra and the first one I’d recommend clearing after the three in TimeInn.
His Insignias offer Infernal Flame Pyromancer, an armor with a 25% boost to all rewards and 35% to damage.
Infernal Flame Khopesh, also from Tyndarius, offerst the best damage boost to Elementals.
Clearing Tyndarius also unlocks further endgame content.
Worth mentioning that Tyndarius is a daily Ultra, not a weekly one. Luckily, he’s generally beatable in a minute or two with a well-prepared team.
What To Prepare
The classes to bring are ArchPaladin, Lord of Order, Legion Revenant, and one DPS role. The best DPS classes are Dragon of Time and Chaos Avenger, but alternatives like ShadowStalker of Time are also viable.
Bring an item with a 51% damage boost like NSoD, if you can.
Use the Enhancements you would naturally use on your class. Do not use Forge helms that reduce your health. Optionally, bring Penitence.
- ArchPaladin: Full Luck, Valiance or Spiral Carve
- Lord of Order: Full Luck, Valiance or Smite
- Legion Revenant: Full Wizard, Valiance or Awe Blast
- Dragon of Time: Full Healer, Valiance or Awe Blast
- Chaos Avenger: Full Luck, Valiance or Arcana’s Concerto
In general, it’s good to have exactly one Blast and Arcana per team, but it’s not mandatory.
Tonics and Elixirs are entirely optional for this fight and shouldn’t be needed at max level.
What is mandatory is Taunt Scrolls though for everyone except the Lord of Order.
Tyndarius Explained
Tyndarius is accompanied by two Orbs. The main boss is stronger, but the orbs can scale their combat power indefinitely. Almost all attacks are AoE, but they can be taunted.
You don’t need to pay attention to any of the voice lines or abilities, because the strategy deals with all of them.
The strategy is rather simple: 3 enemies, 3 taunters. It’s not a problem if the taunts are not looped perfectly, you just need to make sure to taunt your designated target on cooldown.
To start the fight, stand near the entrance, tell your team you’re ready, and apply your buffs. The ArchPaladin should go in first, and everyone should follow right after.
The ArchPaladin is the tankiest one, so it’s their job to taunt Tyndarius himself.
The Legion Revenant and the DPS role will taunt the two orbs. It’s best to agree which of them goes left, and which of them goes right before the fight. If your target dies, help killing the other orb, or attack Tyndarius.
The Lord of Order doesn’t need to taunt anything, so they can just his the boss and loop their damage spells.
If the Orbs respawn, the same player who taunted them first should go back to them. Repeat until Tyndarius is dead.